By Haley Chambliss
Paragould, AR
May 13, 2024
At Allen Engineering, we understand that safety goes beyond physical hazards on the manufacturing floor or job site. Our Human Resources and Safety Departments go above and beyond traditional safety measures to ensure a mentally healthy work environment through continued education, onsite company Chaplains, and associate programs. See what steps we take to ensure our associates receive the support they need.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States, and we want to take this opportunity to highlight this need in our industry. According to a study authored by Wulsin, mental health challenges see a 36% higher incidence among manufacturing workers than the national average. The manufacturing industry is typically male-dominated, which comes with the stigma of men being less likely to voice their mental health concerns. This stigma, paired with environmental stressors such as machine noises, hot temperatures, isolated workstations, varying work hours, and meeting production goals, makes mental health awareness a priority. Through surveys, staying up-to-date on industry standards, and developing relationships with AEC associates, our Human Resources Manager, Taylor Barrington, always looks for new ways to improve working conditions and incentives to improve mental health awareness. Through her leadership and our CEO, Jay Allen, we have adopted different incentives and programs to improve mental health conditions.
Allen Engineering prides itself on being an equal opportunity and second chance employer. We work extensively within the community to share our success with those in need. To provide continued support to our associates, two company Chaplains are onsite and present multiple days a week and as needed. Jared Pickney and Marlin Dixon are trained professionals who provide counseling services on various topics, from substance rehabilitation to financial advisory. The Chaplains also host a weekly devotional lunch, open every company function with a prayer, and play a vital role in our National Day of Prayer celebration. Their services are free and available to all AEC associates.
AEC Cares
Another free service AEC uses to support its associates is AEC Cares, a program that provides financial assistance to those most in need. AEC Chaplains and Associates on the board handle each application with the utmost privacy and care. Thanks to this program, we have been able to help over 60 AEC associates with expenses such as rent, utilities, medical bills, and bereavement costs.
Faith Driven Entrepreneur
AEC’s adaptability and innovation trickle down from the leaders within the organization. CEO Jay Allen says, “The faith-driven mindset has helped shape our business ethos and has played a vital role in upholding the trust associates, partners, and dealers have with us." Many AEC leaders are active members of the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Foundation (FDE) and host watch parties where AEC associates and other community members can hear stories from around the world. FDE connects leaders and allows them to share stories to help inspire, educate, and motivate. The foundation provides a supportive community and a sense of fulfillment and purpose through spiritual collaboration. To learn more about Faith Driven Entrepreneur, visit www.faithdrivenentrepreneur.org.
Break the Stigma
Mental health issues can arise from an array of reasons – genetics, work environment, financial problems, etc. Our goal is to create a safe environment where associates feel comfortable expressing themselves and their concerns. We want to encourage everyone to break this stigma, open that conversation, and bring awareness to these issues. If you or someone you know needs assistance, contact your manager or human resources department to see what resources and options you may have. There are also resources online, such as www.cdc.org/mentalhealth. It is okay not to be okay.
Allen Engineering Corporation (AEC) is a highly reputable and family-owned company specializing in high-quality, innovative concrete placement, finishing, polishing, and paving equipment. Headquartered in Paragould, Arkansas, AEC is a proven leader in designing, engineering, manufacturing, and marketing high-quality concrete equipment. With an unwavering commitment to Total Customer Satisfaction, we strive to exceed your expectations. As a family-owned American company, our products are available for sale and rental through a vast network of trusted dealers and rental centers worldwide.
Wulsin L, Alterman T, Timothy Bushnell P, Li J, Shen R. Prevalence rates for depression by industry: a claims database analysis. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2014 Nov;49(11):1805-21. doi: 10.1007/s00127-014-0891-3. Epub 2014 Jun 8. PMID: 24907896; PMCID: PMC4557731.