How to Check the Flatness of Trowel Arms | Allen Engineering
Walk Behind Trowels, Riding Trowels | 02:49 Min

This video gives you instructions on how to properly check the flatness of your trowel arms for walk-behind and ride-on trowels.

How to Align a Trowel Arm Jig | Allen Engineering
Walk Behind Trowels, Riding Trowels | 06:04 Min

This video gives instructions on how to properly complete the alignment of a trowel arm jig on a walk-behind or ride-on trowel.

PRO436E Edging Walk-Behind Trowel | ALLEN ENGINEERING
Walk Behind Trowels | 03:45 Min.


Scott Ward, South Central Territory Sales Rep., walks through the Allen PRO436E edging walk-behind trowel basics.

Mechanical Super Pro 445 | ALLEN ENGINEERING
Riding Trowels | 04:11 Min.

Brad Ketcherside, North Central Territory Sales Rep., walks through the basics of the Allen Mechanical Super Pro 445 (MSP445) riding trowel.

9910 Power Sprayer | ALLEN ENGINEERING
Power Sprayers | 06:11 Min.

Tim Duty, Southeast Territory Sales Rep., walks through the Allen 9910 Power Sprayer (PS9910) basics.

How to Assemble a Walk-Behind Trowel | ALLEN ENGINEERING
Walk Behind Trowels | 03:40 Min

This video gives instructions on how to assemble your Allen walk-behind trowel